About us

Sustainable innovation. Finproject, member of the SPRING cluster.

Finproject, becomes member of the SPRING cluster for the purpose to create synergies among active innovative entities aiming to develop the whole green chemistry sector with the aim to foster a new economy (bioeconomy). 

The Cluster wants to be a stimulus for sustainable innovation, a spring for development and for a systemic growth focused on bioeconomy. An initiative that evolves in constant dialogue with the actors of local areas, in full respect of biodiversity.

Learn more http://www.clusterspring.it/luoghi/finproject-s-p-a-2/

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In the 32nd edition of the study, the Morrovalle company is one of the companies that registered the most significant levels of growth in 2017.

The Marche-based company, known worldwide for XL EXTRALIGHT®, light foam material at the base of global successful products such as Crocs shoes and O bag, has registered one of the most significant levels of growth among the companies of the territory , equal to about 50 percentage points compared to 2016.


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XL EXTRALIGHT® INDUSTRIAL PLUS participated at A+A 2017 in Düsseldorf with a new project for Rebook®

Düsseldorf, A+A 2017: XL EXTRALIGHT® INDUSTRIAL PLUS participated at A+A with a new project realized for Rebook®. XL EXTRALIGHT® INDUSTRIAL PLUS is the flexible, durable and unique material of its kind. Ensures the perfect holding of the footwear in the most difficult environmental and working conditions. Anti-static, non-slip and oil resistant, ensures perfect grip and compression set. Result: lightweight and comfortable footwear.

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Ethical Code of Finproject Group.

The Board of Directors of Finproject S.p.A. during the meeting dated 05/06/2017, adopted the Ethical Code of the Group.

The document can be consulted at the following link:

Ethical code of Group

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Finproject and ALL INCLUSIVE: results in cooperation and key elements of success.


Our commitment together with Comunità solidali nel Mondo.

SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL In July, staff selection was completed and the following profiles were definitively selected: 2 physiotherapists, 1 occupational therapist, 1 psychologist, 1 social worker, 1 medical manager, 15 community workers. By September 2017, of the 15 test operators will be selected 10 that will begin to contribute to the realization of the KILASIKU CBR Center activities daily, contracted by the contract.

CONSTRUCTION OF THE RBC CENTER On August 26th, the agreement was signed with the company and in October, after the completion of the construction practice at the local authorities, the building will begin.

TRAINING FOR RBC STAFF From April 10th to 14th, there was a preliminary training on disability issues.

RBC CENTER FAMILY SENSITIVITY ACTIVITIES From the third week of July, the first “informal” activities were carried out to raise awareness among family members of disabled children. The hired staff were involved in making the first assessments of some disabled children in the Kawe district.

LOCAL DISCUSSION IN DAY AND SALAAM DISABILITY In the four areas of KAWE, where the survey was conducted, 2 awareness days (7 and 9 August 2017) were called SCREENING DAYS. These days were aimed at reaching, directly in the main public gathering places of the community, the possible mothers or families who are in charge of a disabled person.


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Federica Vacca & Tami Warshavski, Interdisciplinary Research and Education Agenda, Florence, Mandragora, 2016. – CHAPTER 6. “THE SOLID SIDE OF INNOVATION” pag. 64


About us

We were at Materials Village from 12 to 17 April 2016.

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Materials Village is the hub of Material ConneXion Italia, dedicated to materials, new technologies and sustainability. Every year the fair has an immense following, and in 2016 there will be even more special events, meetings and themed evenings for visitors.